15 Muscular Strength Myths

muscular strength

Maybe some of you remember in physics that the formula for power is the product of speed and strength, and so in our case, the power of skeletal muscle depends on muscular strength and muscle shortening speed: simple, fast contraction, high strength and power like spinach papaya. So let us go further, and so what depends on strength, and so on the cross-section of the muscle. The larger the cross-section, the higher the muscular strength.

muscular strength
You probably often come across various statements and opinions of other people about what has a positive effect on the development of muscle mass and what you should definitely avoid.

Types of Muscles Fiber :

There are two types of muscle fiber.

  1. Slow twitch (red)

 2. Fast twitch (white)

It is their percentage ratio that indicates whether the muscle has a high muscle shortening rate or not. Another fact that will show you more the difference in the fact that type II fibers shrink 10 times faster than type I fibers. But don’t worry, with fibers like a fairy tale about a hare and a turtle, you know who won at the end. Because then the training comes in, and the training fibers always change in favor of these I type and no matter whether it is endurance or speed training.

Here is the list of myths about Muscular Strength.

1) To build solid arms, do 15-20 series

Let us be precise, and it’s about performing 15-20 series for both biceps and triceps, so a large number of series is definitely groundless. We should remember that the arms are a relatively small group of muscles, and for this reason, torturing them with a considerable number of series is not recommended.

During the training of the chest muscles, back muscles, or shoulder muscles, the arms do much work. If we additionally do several exercises, we can over train a given muscle group, which will affect the effectiveness of other workouts and increase the risk of injury. If we do shoulder training separately, 9-12 series per lot will be enough to stimulate muscle development. In the case of combined training, the number of 4-6 sets is sufficient.

2) If someone is not interested in muscular strength, they should not consume more protein

A more significant amount of protein should be consumed not only by people who care about the growth of muscle mass. A slightly higher supply of this macro-element is also recommended for people who want to get rid of a few extra pounds.

Proteins are responsible for a longer feeling of satiety, which prevents snacking during the day. The supply of protein should also be slightly higher in reducing diets because it can increase resting metabolism, which means that our body can burn more calories despite physical inactivity.

Healthy, adequately fed people should consume about 0.8-1.0 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight. The increased supply of this macro-element does not depend only on physical activity and the desire to lose unnecessary kilograms. People should also consume a more enormous amount of protein during periods of convalescence, in extensive burns or injuries.

It is easy to notice that protein is a macro-nutrient that performs several essential functions in our body. Therefore, an increased amount should be consumed not only by people who want to build muscle tissue, but also by people who want to burn unnecessary fat, and even who suffer from various types of diseases.

3) Warmer muscles – more power

I hope you can do it and get the right temperature because that is where we go now. The muscles have their internal temperature, which is around 36 degrees C. Like it is known, but what is next … well, an increase in muscle temperature by 3-4 degrees Celsius, I condition the increase in muscle power by 15-20%. This is called power, which is why warming up before the start or active training units is so important. Similarly, chilling causes a decrease in power and can be a cause of injury, so sweatpants cannot be taken off too quickly. We have two conclusions from temperature: always warming up and keeping the warmth to the end.

4) Performing an increasing number of exercises and series will result in more significant and faster increases

According to this assumption, after a few weeks, months, or years of exercising in the gym, our training would have to consist of many exercises with a vast number of series and repetitions. Of course, to build muscle, you must continuously surprise them. However, we can do it by increasing the load, reducing the load, using other exercises, or another training method. When performing a vast number of exercises during one training session, those performed at the end will undoubtedly lose quality due to our fatigue, and this, in turn, can lead to injury.

5) You will not build a massive cage without squeezing the barbell on a flat bench

Of course, this is a myth. Although the chest is very involved in this exercise, it is not necessary for its development. We will be much more able to isolate the work of the chest muscles in such an exercise as the heights, which are based on its primary task, i.e., shoulder addiction. The bench press can also be done with the help of dumbbells, thanks to which we increase the range of motion and activate the stabilizing muscles more strongly, generating more tension. So we can build the chest muscles without squeezing the barbell on a flat bench.

6) Storage and synthesis of muscle energy

So the conclusion is simple; when it comes to energy, resynthesis is much more critical than magazines. Here we have two ways to produce this excellent fuel: anaerobic and oxygen pathways. The first is much faster, and it can produce about seven times more than the second in the same unit of time.

The second one is much slower, but it can last for hours and has larger fuel tanks, so producing has somewhere to store, the first one is her pagan that got to work but will end soon. We need both, for long-distance runners, the second is much more critical and has larger “fuel tanks.” Here we come to the fact that without oxygen, never move and attach the parameter VO2 max, very well known to runners.

7) Only in the 8-12 range are you able to build muscular strength

The strict determination of the repetition range in which we can build muscle mass is incorrect. It is assumed that in this range, we cause muscle hypertrophy; however, both smaller and larger numbers of repetitions can cause the effect of hypertrophy.

One of the decisive factors to consider when determining the number of repetitions is the proportion of muscle fibres. Well, there are types of muscle fibres in our body that can be classified into two main groups – slow-twitch (aerobic) and fast-twitch (anaerobic).

The former, due to the nature of the work and energy source, respond better to a more extensive training volume, while the latter is better affected by increased intensity. Of course, it’s not all that simple because all the muscles in our body are composed of both fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibres, and the quantitative proportions define what training will be the better solution. So we can use the range of exercises more diverse than 8-12 without fear, but everything must be adjusted appropriately to our parameters.

8) There are one specific proportion of protein, carbohydrates, fats that should be kept always to build muscle mass

Of course, the content of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in our diet is a very individual matter. There are no specific recommendations regarding their quantity. There are, however, several factors that affect the number of individual macro-nutrients in our diet. For example, people who want to build muscle mass should consume more copious amounts of protein, which is a public statement.

However, these values ​​differ from each other. It cannot be said that all exercisers should consume, for example, 1.5 g / kg body weight/day. These doses may be correspondingly higher or lower depending on age, sex, weight, or physiological condition. It is worth observing your body and modifying your diet accordingly.

If we do not feel strong enough to choose the number of macro-nutrients in our diet properly, it is worth consulting with a dietitian who will help us set goals and choose the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Equally important is the fact that the proportions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are not constant and fluctuate during long-term diet use.

9) You must have high levels of body fat to be able to increase your muscular strength

As mentioned before, strength does not equal strength. However, in the vast majority of sports disciplines, relative strength is taken into account. Relative, because the result is classified into appropriate weight categories.

A person with a weight of 100 kg lifting e.g., in a 100 kg squat as their maximum weight is weaker than a person with a weight of 80 kg, similarly muscled, but with a lower level of body fat that will lift the same weight. Adipose tissue is inactive tissue, which is why its increased level in most cases negatively affects relative strength.

However, there are specific types of sport like sumo, where the player’s weight directly affects his strength in direct relation to the specifics of the competition. Fat tissue is a kind of ballast; therefore its high level in general reference will negatively affect our relative strength.

People with higher levels of body fat more often complain of pains associated with daily functioning, which shows that their muscles are not able to carry such heavy loads. As a result, the passive movement apparatus suffers, i.e., bones and their joints – joints.

10) Bodybuilders are not strong

Strength is a relative and comprehensive concept. As for bodybuilders, they cannot be accused of lack of strength, because their training relies heavily on carrying weighty loads. Of course, if we compare a bodybuilder with professional training weightlifting, of the same weight and height, the latter will undoubtedly win in a competition such as the squat.

However, the goal of bodybuilding training is not to lift the most massive weight but to develop the right figure, and the tool to achieve this goal is the weight. As mentioned earlier, strength is a particular concept, a person training arm wrestling, despite smaller dimensions, can calmly defeat a person exercising powerlifting in his discipline, who lifts enormous loads daily.

Therefore, do not judge bodybuilders for other disciplines. Without a doubt, each of them is strong.

11) If we eat beef, we can get heart disease, high cholesterol, heart attacks, and high blood pressure

Of course, the statement that beef can lead to many civilization diseases is another myth. It turns out that it is just the opposite. Beef is an excellent source of creatine, which is responsible for increasing muscle volume and muscle strength, mainly because of this, eating red meat is very important, especially for physically active people who want to build muscle mass.

The second essential thing is the fact that beef meat is an excellent source of iron, and therefore its consumption is necessary for the proper production of haemoglobin. Beef is also a wealth of many other substances beneficial to our health, including L-carnitine, B vitamins, and protein, which is characterized by excellent amino acid composition. To prevent heart disease.

12) The 5 × 5 training system is only for those who want to build muscular strength

This system is perfect for people whose primary goal is to build muscular strength. However, the statement that it is only suitable for these people is hugely exaggerated. Despite the relatively low volume, the muscles are stimulated to develop through a heavy load, i.e., hypertrophy followed by functional hypertrophy.

By using the right diet, we can quickly gain both muscle mass and strength. It is worth noting that building strength consists in training our nervous system and the so-called muscle disturbance. The better the interaction, the more muscle motor units are involved. Muscle building is also an adaptation of the body to lift an increasing load. For this reason, we can safely use the 5 × 5 system when building muscle mass and reducing.

13) Your body will not absorb more than 30 g of protein in one meal

It is well known that people who want to increase muscle mass should consume more massive amounts of protein than people who exercise only recreationally. Very often, you can also find the information that the maximum amount of protein assimilated from one meal is 30 g, so it makes no sense to consume more copious amounts of this macro-nutrient.

However, this is a misleading statement. It’s easy to explain this with a simple example. For example, if we eat a meal that contains 30 g of protein, and in 30 minutes we eat a second meal containing the same amount of protein, will the macro-nutrient be used entirely? However, if we combine this dose in one portion, won’t some of the protein be absorbed by our body? So it’s easy to see that the claim that our body is not able to absorb more than

30 g of protein in one meal is entirely unjustified. Of course, there are maximum doses of protein used for building purposes, but they certainly do not amount to 30 g per meal. These are very individual values ​​that fluctuate

14) If you do not provide protein after training, you will not build muscular strength

It is a popular opinion that people who want to build muscular strength should consume more protein during the day. It is also essential that as much as possible, they are wholesome proteins, mainly of animal origin. Of course, this is true.

However, there is a belief that if we do not consume protein immediately after training, then we will not build muscle mass. This statement is a myth. Immediately after physical activity, it is necessary to provide our body with a portion of energy. No scientific studies are showing that the lack of a protein meal immediately after training can contribute to inhibiting muscle growth.

There is a large group of athletes who, after the activity, reach for a carbohydrate cocktail, which is intended to replenish glycogen stores, while they only eat a protein meal after a while. No reduced muscle growth was observed in such people. The statement that if we do not provide protein after training, then we will not build muscle mass, it is entirely unjustified.

15) All supplements in the form of supplements are a waste of time and money

Careful, regular intake of high-class dietary supplements, the formula of which is based on selected ingredients, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of efforts made to recompose body composition or improve well-being. However, this does not change the fact that the expected result may differ significantly from reality if the basic principles of selection of preparations are neglected and their supply is not combined with adequate physical activity and a balanced diet.

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