Medical benefits of onions and some healthy
Medical benefits of onions
Onion is a popular common vegetable. It is also a good food and medicine to get rid of obesity and relax the body.
His mood is hot. His stomach consumed him in two hours.
Medical benefits of onions
Medical benefits of onions
Onion is a popular common vegetable. It is also an inexpensive food and medicine to eliminate obesity and soften the body.
His temper is hot. His stomach digests it in two hours.
When fat accumulates around the heart and cholesterol builds up in its arteries, causing a circulatory defect,
using a teaspoon of Jawahar Mehra with half a teaspoon of onion water for a few weeks cures this defect. ۔
If you can’t sleep, you can start falling asleep by using onion before going to bed.
After frying onion and onion, extract its juice and feed it with five drops to a teaspoon, it cures stomach ache of the child.
Putting six handfuls of onion and cloves in a pipe and smoking it reduces toothache and gingivitis. Adding water to it relieves ear pain
Mixing honey and its equivalent weight and putting it in the eye for a few days relieves redness, headache and visual impairment.
Applying its water makes the scorpion poisonous. By keeping its water on the bald spot, hair grows in a few weeks.