Potato Diet and Weight Loss

potato diet

What is the potato diet?

As the name implies, the potato diet includes eating nothing but – you guessed it – potatoes.

It’s considered a crash diet, as it’s not a stable diet and does not supply you with a wide range of nutrients and vitamins, but case studies recommend it can produce results in a short period of time.

However, not everyone does the potato diet the same way. Because of all the varieties out there, there are two primary questions you need to ask about any distinct potato diet:

  •  how long you do the potato diet?
  •  precisely what you can eat on the potato diet?

Potatoes – properties and nutritional values

The main component of potatoes is starch, which, during thermic treatment, is gummed, is entirely and quickly digested. Potatoes are a reliable source of vitamin C (in medium potatoes, we have about 15 mg) and vitamins: K, H, PP, B1, B2, B6. Potatoes also contain minerals: calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, iodine, sodium, fluorine, and sulfur. Also, beta-carotene is present in yellow potato varieties.

The benefit is the low calorific value of potatoes – 100 g of the product gives about 50-80 kcal. Tubers are easily absorbable, contain a small amount of fat (approx. 0.1 percent). Besides, these vegetables are a source of carbohydrates, proteins (rich in exogenous amino acids: leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, threonine), fiber (2.0-2.5 percent).

How do potatoes affect health?

 Mentioned vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, protects the body against the harmful effects of free rebels so that it can protect against the development of, among other cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

 Potassium contained in potatoes normalizes blood pressure, and magnesium stimulates the nervous system, preventing the effects of tiredness and stress. Also, potassium, calcium, and magnesium have a base-forming impact, compensating the acidifying impacts of meat, fish, and cereal.

Consuming potatoes regulates the digestive system – improves intestinal motility, increases the volume of digestive content, giving a feeling of satiety. Potatoes for slimming are therefore a right choice

Principles of the potato diet

Potato diet is a type of carbohydrate diet; it should last 14 days. The potato diet menu consists of 3 basic meals (at least 2 of them based on potatoes) and two low-calorie snacks ( natural yogurt, rice waffles, fruit: apple, grapefruit, melon, kiwi, raw vegetables: carrots, tomato, cucumber).

The energy value of the diet is about 1200 kcal. It can be repeated no more frequently than every 3-4 weeks.

Potatoes on a diet is a good idea, as long as we follow the rules of treatment. Potatoes should be prepared so that they do not lose their essential nutritional value and that their calorific value does not increase.

So it’s worth cooking them in uniforms, and if we peel them, it’s fragile. It is best to steam the potatoes or bake in the oven in a foil / ovenproof dish. Frying in fat (French fries) or cooking with the addition of fat and other caloric additives (cheese) should be given up. Boiled potatoes can be sprinkled with healthy fat, e.g., olive oil or cold-pressed rapeseed oil.

In addition to potatoes, the menu of the potato diet involves low-starchy vegetables, i.e., cabbage, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and lean fermented dairy products, herbs, and a small amount of salt. All products should be sugar-free.

Sufficient hydration is essential for this diet. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters of fluid per day (still water, herbal teas, fresh fruit and vegetable juices with low sugar content). As with any diet, daily physical activity is also recommended.

The effects of a potato diet – how much weight can you lose?

A diet can stimulate metabolism, skin, hair, and nails. A 3-day potato diet or a one-day potato diet can be used in healthy people as a slimming and cleansing method.

However, it should be remembered that the potato diet should not be used for a long time, as it can lead to a lack of protein, calcium, and fat.

It’s worth changing your eating habits. Healthy nutrition will help you lose weight and take care of our health for a long time.

Carb cycling and bone broth diet also help a lot to lose weight.


The potato cleansing diet should not be used by pregnant women, treating mothers and children, adolescents, and the elderly. Also, it is not a good idea for diabetics. In essence, the disadvantage of the potato diet is the high glycemic index of potatoes after heat treatment, which translates into an increase in blood glucose.

Weekly Potato Diet Plan

The potato diet allows not only to use traditional recipes. There is also room for creative slimming invention – potatoes can be prepared in many ways. Check out an example menu for a week in a potato diet.

The menu in the potato diet can be arranged by everyone who is slimming. Potato diet is a slimming diet in which potatoes are the essential elements of the list, and you can prepare them in many ways. All you need is a cookbook and calorie table. We advise on how to arrange an exemplary menu for a week in a potato diet.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: muesli (100 g) with natural yogurt (150 g), a cup of cereal coffee or herbal tea
  • lunch: 4 potatoes baked in their skins, seasoned with herbs
  • dinner: potato salad with apples, 250 ml tomato juice

Day 2

  • Breakfast: plain yogurt (150 g) with cereal (100 g) and two tablespoons of grated apple
  • lunch: 3 potatoes stuffed with mushrooms
  • dinner: a glass of kefir, potato gratin with apples (200 g)

Day 3

  • Breakfast: an apple, a glass of buttermilk with oatmeal (50 g)
  • lunch: 3 skewers of potatoes and salmon
  • dinner: 2 potato toast, orange

Day 4

  • breakfast: 2 slices of whole-grain bread, lean cottage cheese with herbs (4 teaspoons), apple juice
  • lunch: frittata with potatoes, peppers, and ham
  • dinner: small potato tartlette (approx. 50 g)

Day 5

  • Breakfast: 2 whole-grain toasts, medium-sized scrambled eggs with chives and a bit of butter, coffee or tea
  • lunch: steamed potatoes with yogurt and chives
  • dinner: dietary sweet potato, beetroot and zucchini chips (150 g)

Day 6

  • breakfast: 2 slices of whole-grain bread, cottage cheese with peppers (4 teaspoons), apple juice
  • lunch: asparagus soup with new potatoes
  • dinner: 2 steamed potatoes with herbs, a glass of natural yogurt

Day 7

  • Breakfast: a glass of buttermilk with fresh fruit (e.g., strawberries, banana, apples) and four tablespoons of cornflakes
  • lunch: dietary sweet potato fries (150 g)
  • dinner: potato salad (150 g)

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