How to Generate Tiktok Tags: A Simple Formula

YouTube tags are descriptive keywords or phrases that creators add to their videos to help make them more discoverable in YouTube’s search engine.

By using relevant tags that accurately represent your video content, you can attract more potential viewers and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

The importance of tags lies in their ability to help YouTube’s algorithm understand what your video is about and match it with relevant user searches. Well-optimized tags act as signposts, guiding viewers to find your content amidst the sea of videos on the platform.

Identifying Relevant Tags

Start with your main keyword or video topic

Your primary keyword or video title should be the first tag you use. This helps establish the core topic for YouTube’s algorithm and viewers. For example, if your video is about “Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies,” your first tag should be exactly that phrase.

YouTube’s auto-suggest and search recommendations

As you begin typing keywords into YouTube’s search bar, it provides autocomplete suggestions based on popular searches. These recommendations can be a valuable source of tag ideas, as they reflect what users are actually searching for.

Review tags from popular related videos

Look at the tags used by other successful videos in your niche or category. This can help you identify commonly used tags that may be relevant to your own content. However, don’t simply copy all their tags – make sure they genuinely apply to your video as well.

Consider long-tail keywords and phrases

In addition to your main keyword, include more specific long-tail keyword phrases that describe your video in greater detail. For example, “easy chocolate chip cookie recipe” or “chewy chocolate chip cookies without baking soda.”

Using Tag Generator Tools

While manual research can uncover many useful tags, tag generator tools can streamline and augment the process by providing data-driven recommendations.

Popular tag generator tools

Some of the most popular tag generator tools for YouTube include:

  • TubeBuddy: A browser extension that suggests tags based on your video data and competitor analysis.
  • VidIQ: Uses AI to generate relevant tags and provides a tag scoring system.
  • TunePocket: Offers hashtag research, competitor tagging analysis, and more.
  • RapidTags: Automatically generates tags from your video title and description.

How to use these tools effectively

While the specific process varies per tool, most require you to input your video title, description, and/or topic keywords. The tool will then scour YouTube data and spit out a list of suggested tags.

From this list, carefully select the tags most relevant and specific to your video. Don’t just blindly copy all the suggested tags.

Advantages of using tag generator tools

Tag generators leverage large datasets and algorithms to identify trends, popular searches, and related terms that may not be immediately obvious. This data-driven approach can surface tags you may have missed through manual research alone.

Best Practices for Generating YouTube Tags

Limit the number of tags

While YouTube allows up to 500 characters worth of tags, using too many can appear spammy. Most experts recommend sticking to 10-15 highly relevant tags per video.

Order tags by relevance and priority

When adding tags, list them in order of priority and relevance to your specific video. The first few tags should be your most important keywords.

Include a mix of broad and specific tags

Strike a balance by including both broad, high-volume keywords (e.g. “baking”) as well as specific, descriptive phrases (e.g. “easy chocolate chip cookie recipe for beginners”).

Use relevant synonyms and related terms

Think about the different words and phrases your target audience may use to search for content like yours, and sprinkle in these relevant synonyms and related terms as tags as well.

Optimizing and Updating Tags

Monitor video performance and adjust tags accordingly

Keep an eye on your video analytics to see which tags are actually driving the most traffic and engagement. If certain tags underperform, try removing or replacing them with more effective options.

Stay updated on trending topics and popular searches

Audience interests and search trends are constantly evolving. Regularly review what topics, keywords, and hashtags are trending to ensure your tags stay current and relevant.

Regularly review and update tags for better visibility

Make it a habit to revisit and refresh your video tags every few months, adding new relevant terms while removing outdated or ineffective ones. This will help your videos maintain optimal visibility over time.

Tips and Examples

Examples of well-optimized tags

Here are some examples of well-optimized tags for different video categories:

  • For a “iPhone 14 review” video: #iphone14review, new iphone, apple iphone 2023, smartphone reviews, flagship phone, iphone camera test
  • For a “Beginner yoga routine” video: yoga for beginners, morning yoga flow, 20 min yoga practice, at home workout, flexibility routine, mindful movement

Personal experiences and success stories

I’ve personally found that using a mix of my primary keyword, related long-tail phrases, and trending hashtags tends to work best for maximizing my video visibility and driving traffic.

For my recent “Air Fryer Recipes” video, tags like #airfryerrecipes, healthy air fryer meals, easy vegetarian air fryer, top air fryer cookbook helped attract my target audience.

Additional tips for tag optimization

  • Use natural language tags that resemble how people actually search
  • Avoid repetitive, spammy tags and keyword stuffing
  • Research competitor tags, but don’t directly copy them
  • Consider location-based tags if your content is locally focused
  • Leverage YouTube’s search data to identify new tag opportunities


Optimizing your YouTube video tags is a crucial step towards improving discoverability and reaching your target audience effectively.

By following the strategies outlined in this guide – identifying relevant keywords, leveraging tag generator tools, implementing best practices, and regularly updating your tags – you can increase your chances of ranking higher in YouTube search results.

Remember, tags alone won’t make a poorly executed video go viral. However, when combined with high-quality, engaging content that truly delivers value to your viewers, well-researched and relevant tags can give your videos the nudge they need to get discovered by those most likely to appreciate your work.

Call to Action

Put these tag generation techniques into practice for your next YouTube video and see the results for yourself. If you found this guide helpful, subscribe to my channel for more YouTube tips, tricks, and optimization strategies.

And be sure to try out the tag generator tools recommended – many offer free trials or limited free plans to get you started.

Let me know your own experiences with tag optimization in the comments below! What are some of your favorite tag research methods or tools that have helped boost your video’s visibility?

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